Comeback!!! Leggo!!

im-backIn these past few months I have rediscovered myself in a lot of ways. This is largely because I re met Oddinary perspectives (you should check her out) and boy! Has she not revived perspectives!

Food, books, music, writing, serenity; things that the expectations of “growing up” nearly hushed mute to be no more! These may seem flimsy and superfluous but these were the very basis of my life in earlier, care-freer, worry-freer years that made life interesting! And fun! and oh! they matter!!

Recently it is all and nothing else but social media once you get free times off stifling degree pursuance, stressful work, the not-very-stressful ones and whatnot. It is so terrible you might just as well lose yourself in there and not find you till you finally die. Kpatsa. Just like that.

Don’t be deceived, I was ushered into my second decade less than three years ago, so I am a lass and proudly so and I appreciate technology for what it is. I mean if I did not, you wouldn’t be reading this on this beautiful platform. But I strongly believe that life is so much more than the onlookers, and as much as you would want to disagree (because you are such an extremist, hehe), the degrees and the work which seem to be the hostile ‘pillars’ taking over life now, basically are for the onlookers.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not propagating selfishness to say in the least. Far from it. But in living for a greater purpose than yourself, in living first for God, others and then yourself, have you considered and given thought to what makes you you? The very mixtures in the right proportions of unique gifts, and likes, and dislikes, and talents, and orientation, and reasoning to unlearn and learn, that makes you fit rightly where you need to be to fulfill that purpose? And be who God wants you to be for the Kingdom?

Four years in Business School dried up my juice. Literally. And I allowed it, I shouldn’t have. But as God would have it, He had planned that this one year of national service would be a time to “service” me too (no perversion intended, this is my eye-red matter). Pouring back into me the overflow of the savory juice of all the sweet teachings and lessons and love He has for me. This learning process hasn’t been easy. And it never is. Neither does it end. Ideally you are not able to endure by your own strength even. He equips you. And now I am sad I doubted on several occasions. But I know I am forgiven. I am braced for the journey ahead!!

All I am saying is that, laugh at the tweets, make some up for others to laugh too, take the self-indulgent pictures and videos and upload them for people to know what you are up to, watch the YouTube videos of wanna-be couples, and those that are LOL, snapchat; butterfly, heart emoji, flower-band your pictures and look well-toned, well looked after, Instagram and Flickr, and do all the other ones I haven’t even heard of .

Do all of these BUT fish out the why, before you do it, Do all of these BUT in moderation. Do all of these BUT don’t lose your essence. Do not lose yourself, you might not find you like I did in my case.

People lived without these and they lived life. Find God, while He may yet be found. Choose healthier ways to live. Laugh at yourself and m.o.v.e o.n! Reflect. Impact lives. . Re meet an Oddinary Perspective.

Leggo!!!!!!!!!      lego-exercise-instructor



8 thoughts on “Comeback!!! Leggo!!

  1. Nice piece Gracie! Thank you for sharing…finding us really is a big deal! And Thank God for yours too cos we wouldn’t have this piece if you hadn’t… learnt many lessons… may we all never lose ourselves to “life” indeed!…😊

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